Puente and Umoja Admit Day Celebration



Puente and Umoja Admitted Student Celebration: Vibe with your Tribe at R'side | May 19, 4-6pm, ZOOM

Welcome to the Highlander Family!

Celebrate your admission to UC Riverside and start building your community at this exclusive event just for admitted Puente and Umoja students!

  • Hear about life at UCR from current students.
  • Connect with campus resources.
  • Meet other admitted students.
  • Learn all about financial aid.
  • Get your questions answered by admissions counselors.
  • More!

Register Today!


Check out the agenda to see everything we have planned for you! 
4:00 p.m. Welcomes
4:05 p.m. Financial Aid Presentation
4:45 p.m. Resource Fair
5:30 p.m. Next Steps To Enrolment Puente/Umoja Presentation and Q&A
6 p.m. Closing

Register Today!